
WCDA Staff


Trisha Bennett

Community Development Coordinator

I've been a freelance Consultant and Trainer since September 2004 and have undertaken a wide range of Consultancy and training contracts across the country. These include running very successful “Introduction to Community Work Skills” courses for a wide range of participants and consultancy and training for Community Matters on management of community buildings and complex governance issues. My other work has included tenant participation, team building and organisational development for a range of organisations in the statutory, voluntary and community sectors.

Since 2013 I have supported this Big Local project - now called Whitley Community Development Association.


Gavin Aldrich

Media Contractor
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Maria Cox

Community Develoment Worker

I'm a Big Local resident, part of the Whitley Park Fundraiser committee and the JMA parents' forum. I've become a trustee in July 2018.  I'm a mum of three and spend most of my free time watching my son playing football. Since July 2019, I have stepped down as a trustee and have become Community Development worker.

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Kelly Brown

Community Develoment Worker
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Lisa Alloune

Business Manager

I'm a local resident. Since July 2018 I have served as WCDA trustee and from February 2019 - treasurer. In July 2019 I have stepped down as a trustee and have become WCDA's business manager.


Donna Duval

Project Coordinator


Dani Durrante

Admin Assistant