Christmas Day Dinner for older people

Wednesday – 25th December 2019

Whitley Wood Fire Station are organising a free Christmas Day dinner for older, isolated people.

Booking by Wednesday, 18th December is essential as places are limited.

If you know anyone that would like to attend – please contact the station. You will need the attendee’s full name, a contact number, an address, any dietary needs and essential medical information.

Or you can book yourself a place.

The station is borrowing a mini bus for the day so transport can be provided.

Where: Whitley Wood Fire Station, 270 Whitley Wood Road, Reading RG2 8FS

When: Wednesday, 25th December 2019

Time: 12.30 pm to 3.00 pm

To book a place call 0118 938 4200 or email [email protected]


  1. Liz Grugeon on 1st December 2019 at 1:16 pm

    This is a great thing to do, Fire and Rescue. Thank you.

  2. Chris Bloomfield on 3rd December 2019 at 6:31 pm

    What a lovely gesture-well done to the Fire & Rescue Service

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