Whitley CDA looks back – Community Motor Skills 2017

Back in 2017 we partnered with Thames Valley Police (TVP), Reading Council,  Auto Skills and other partners to host the Community Motor Skills workshops.

We’ve really enjoyed reflecting on these events and looking back we’re surprised to see from the photos that we had better weather in October than we did in August! Typical British Sumer.

Whitley CDA hosted these free events in the forecourt just outside the community cafe and in the ball court next to the cafe, with free refreshments available in the cafe. They were for kids aged between 11 – 15 with an interest in motors, engines, bikes or go-karts, although that was not obligatory. It was a great opportunity for them to get hands on experience with real mechanics watching on and advising.

The days were a great success with everyone getting their hands dirty as they tinkered with engines and one lad managed to build an engine from scratch. If we remember right the October event was very last minute and the fact that we were able to promote the event with our partners and host it successfully is a testament to our nimbleness and willingness to work with and for the community.

This was a project that was primarily funded by TVP as part of their community outreach programme. The programme’s intention was to be able to build connections in the community. Especially with hard to reach communities and there was a focus on youngsters who were potentially at risk of exclusion. This was an interaction with the overall aim of breaking down barriers and fostering more trust in the community. Not to mention letting the youngsters have some hands on practical fun with engines and go-karts.

This is a great example of how Whitley CDA are willing to explore and experiment with different projects organised with and for the the community. We look forward to lockdown being lifted and once again being able to host and sponsor innovative activities such as these.

If you have any ideas or would like to get in touch click here