Supporting The Beating Heart of Whitley Together: Whitley CDA Needs Your Help

At Whitley CDA, we run a welcoming community cafe, spearhead various local initiatives, and importantly, manage the food surplus project at the South Reading Community Hub.

This project is a vital part of our work, providing fresh and nutritious food to those in Whitley facing food insecurity. However, we’re facing a challenge – demand for our services is rising, and we need your support to keep pace with this growing need.

Rising Demand for Food Support

Dr. Trisha Bennett, our project manager, recently spoke about this challenge on BBC Radio Berkshire. Since launching the food surplus project in 2019, we’ve seen a significant rise in the number of people needing a helping hand.

Listen to Trisha’s interview here:

An unexpected benefit of the project is its role in preventing food waste. Supermarkets and shops donate surplus food approaching its “best before” date, ensuring it nourishes people instead of going to landfill.

We Support Everyone in Our Community

The people we serve come from all walks of life. It dispels the myth that only those on benefits rely on such services. As Trisha says in the interview, “We see everyone – midwives, part-time workers, people who’ve lived here all their lives.”

How You Can Help Us Fight Food Waste and Hunger

There are several ways you can support our vital service. Financial donations are crucial to keep everything running.

Food donations are also vital, especially fresh produce. If you’re a gardener and have more than you need, please consider donating your excess fruits and vegetables.

Local shops, we’d love to hear from you! If you have surplus stock nearing its best before date, please get in touch – we can put it to good use.

There’s No Shame in Needing Help

Trisha emphasizes there’s no shame in needing help. “People shouldn’t be embarrassed about being hungry,” she says.

The community can rally behind this essential service. Here’s how you can help:

  • Donate funds to Whitley CDA.
  • Donate surplus food, especially fresh produce from your garden.
  • Encourage local shops to donate surplus stock.

By supporting Whitley CDA you can help ensure we continue to work with and for the community.

We hope you’ll consider helping us continue this important work.