What does Whitley CDA stand for?

A few weeks ago Whitley CDA’s trustees decided that it would be a useful exercise for us to reflect on moments from our history, especially as they are often pivotal in shaping what we become. This is our first reflection and what better place to start than what underpins what we do. Whitley CDA is…

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Measuring our CO2 Impact

Whitley CDA was formed by local residents with a simple ethos; that Whitley would be regarded as a great place to grow up, live and work. In order to achieve this we have to deliver the outcomes and impacts that the community defines and wants. One of the identified priority outcomes is regarding environmental impact…

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A tribute to George Woodage

George Woodage was a regular at our Whitley Way Back When meet ups, he was always willing to share a good yarn from yesteryear. Hence we felt great sadness when we recently learned of his passing. George passed away in hospital after a fall at home. He put up a brave fight to the end…

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Whitley CDA’s Community Book Shelf grows with the help of the Co-Op

What started as a small endeavour has just grown and grown and now with the support of Michael Kinghorn (Co-op Member Pioneer) we have many more books to share with the community. We have always provided a small shelf of books for people to help themselves. During the pandemic we had many kind people drop…

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Whitley CDA has been selected to take part in the Co-op Local Community Fund and you can help us raise funds for our work

Whitley CDA are now one of three causes in our community which Co-op Members can select to support between now and 23 October 2021. At a time when funds for community groups and charitable organisations are becoming more difficult to access, we’re incredibly grateful for this opportunity to make a real difference in Whitley. We will…

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Whitley Growallot at Meavy Gardens – Allotment growing

Do you fancy get your fingers green? Whitley Growallot will be adding Tutor lead sessions on Tuesdays & Wednesdays in addition to their normal Sunday sessions. This will be an exciting way to become familiar with all things allotment and growing. The Tuesday sessions will be adult only and will run from 8/9/20 to 24/11/20The…

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Our Surplus Food project deliveries in numbers

As we’ve come to the end of our food parcel deliveries – we’ve been reflecting on the past 4 months of WCDA. Since 17th of March 2020, we’ve committed fully to delivering food parcels to Whitley residents most in need. Whitley CDA staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly 5 days a week making up…

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