Whitley CDA discuss increasing food costs on Radio Berkshire

Trisha Bennett (our Community Development Coordinator) was featured on BBC Radio Berkshire last Tuesday, January 25th. You can hear Trisha talking with Andrew Peach on the Breakfast show here:

Whitley CDA’s food surplus service is being used more and more and not just by those on benefits or with in-work top-ups. The increasing costs of food and other essentials is putting a real strain on people’s budgets. Imminent increases expected in energy will add to this strain. We implore the government to act now.

Jack Monroe (The bootstrap cook) has added her voice to highlight the concerns with this growing problem and clearly identified how the costs of basics have risen astronomically in recent years. A basic food shop has nearly doubled since 2012 and yet benefits & wages haven’t doubled in that time. Therefore people are having to make decisions about missing meals in order to feed their children. Jack is emphatic that this is shocking to talk about this in one of the richest economies in the world.

If you would like to help or can donate food or time please click here
If you can donate money please click here

Together we are #TheBeatingHeartOfWhitley

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